On June 6, 2022 InvenioRDM partners from CERN, Northwestern University, TU Wien, NYU Libraries, and Cottage Labs assembled to present the InvenioRDM Workshop Day at Open Repositories 2022 (OR2022). At this first in-person meet-up in over two years, the team talked InvenioRDM with over 30 workshop attendees.
In the morning, participants were treated to Introduction and Installation presentations, followed by hands-on assistance with running InvenioRDM on their own machines. Attendees appreciated the one-on-one help and feedback and came away with a greater understanding of how to support the repository at their own institutions.
In the afternoon, participants were treated to show-and-tell sessions on local customizations at both TU Wien and Northwestern, followed by an introductory session on partner benefits and how to join the community. Next followed fascinating in-depth presentations on increasing accessibility in InvenioRDM, building off the robust work in this field undertaken by NYU Libraries and Northwestern. A case study in data migration followed, and the afternoon wrapped with a presentation on local implementation and adoption approaches at NYU libraries, which incorporated feature and sprint-based development of repository policies. In addition, the InvenioRDM-based COVID-19 SSH Data Portal of the European University Institute was demoed by Cottage Labs.
The team was pleased to be able to share information and tips in person with potential adopters, and to experience some much-missed in-person teambuilding. Here’s hoping these meet-up opportunities increase in the future!
And although OR2022 unfortunately did not offer a hybrid option for attendance, the whole InvenioRDM community (and beyond) can experience the workshop day by visiting this Zenodo community to see individual presentations, the day’s itinerary, links to additional resources, and a feedback form.
If you’ll be attending a conference soon, and might be thinking of presenting on InvenioRDM, please let Sara or Lars know!