Summer 2021 is an exciting time in the development of InvenioRDM, as the team works towards the Long-Term Support (LTS) version. Here are just a few updates we have to share about recent work:
Contributions from the community
InvenioRDM partners are not only local implementers, but frequently contribute their coding expertise to the project. Read this recent news item about the efforts of TU Wien developer Maximilian Moser related to the share-by-link feature and the authentication modules.
Usability testing
One way that the entire community can contribute towards InvenioRDM development is to test the most recent version of the software either through your local implementation or at the CERN sandbox site. Report any bugs you find using this form. Timely and accurate bug reporting gives the entire project a boost!
Getting the word out
InvenioRDM will be featured in two sessions at Open Repositories 2021, June 7-10, “Poster Minute Madness” and the “Repository Rodeo”, both taking place on June 9. If you or someone you know would like an introduction to the software, encourage them to attend!
Are you presenting on InvenioRDM at an upcoming meeting? Please let us know using this form.